About company
Glass LPS - the only one producer of crystal chandeliers in Slovak Republic. We process and smooth raw material of Czech crystal glass BOHEMIA CRYSTAL. We utilize the 45-years experience of producing crystal chandeliers and crystal trimmings in Medzilaborce. Lightings are certified by Slovak testing centre SR and we have European certificate CE.
Glass LPS produces more then 1000 types of crystal lightings and 60% of production exports to EU, Australia, Ukraine and Russia.
Production process starts by pressing crystal glass next to a melting furnace. We carry out a final assembly for the atypical chandeliers directly at the customer's place.

You can see about 300 types of crystal chandeliers in our showroom in Medzilaborce.
In case of bigger orders we are able to design and install our chandeliers including atypical chandeliers.
We process and smooth raw material of Czech crystal glass BOHEMIA CRYSTAL.
Glass LPS s.r.o., Dobrianskeho 56, 068 01 Medzilaborce, Slovak Republic
Post address: Hviezdoslavova 4, 066 01 Humenne, Slovak Republic
Phone: +421 907 640 407, +421 948 914 635, +421 917 131 544, e-mail: glasslps@glasslps.eu, www.glasslps.eu