En atención / BULBS
For choosing lighting bulb for crystal chandelier should pay attention. In general, if chandelier is produced from glass (crystal chandelier), is necessary use clear bulb. Using mat bulbs cause bad design and light efekt, so chandelier than don't stand out so as with clear bulbs. Be carefull also with chosing the reight type of bulb(normal bulb, halogen bulb...).
1. Normal Bulbs
To now it is most popular for low price and availability. The other advantages: immediately start, simple construction, low weight, simple feeding. And disadvanges are: low effectivity, low lifetime, during lifetime falling the lighting luminary(the glass case on bulb is going to dark coating, which is create from volfram fibre of bulb during lighting by releasing metal particles.
2. Halogen energy saving bulbs
The main advantage is, that these bulbs transform about 1/3 of onergy on lighting and even though the quality of lighting is always similar, evently is better than by normal bulbs. Generally hold that 28W bulb is as a replacement for 40W normal bulb.. But in case you can replace 25W normal bulb for 18W halogen bulb. between their next advantages belongs to: double lifetime, twilight, intesity of producing luminity don't fall down during lifetime of bulb, the glass coat on bulbs is colder and don't go to dark coating. The small disadvantages is the price.
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