We would like to draw your attention to lightings with pendants SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS.
Chandeliers with pendants SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS, which are nowadays very successful are offered to the most demanding clients.
Chandelier has the highest quality pendants in the world, there are not higher quality of crystal pendants in the market right now.
Our company owns the certificate to use high quality pendants. Every pendant has SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS logo made by laser on it.
Armature, horns, bowls and centerpieces of those chandeliers are made from polished handmade high quality crystal details. So, we can say, that in those chandeliers Austrian precision machinery produced pendants of SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS are harmoniously connected with handmade crystal parts BOHEMIA CRYSTAL .
Crystal chandeliers with SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS trimmings that will raise the price of a standard chandelier about 300%.
Más unidades
- Embajada de Eslovaquia en La Haya, Holanda
- Hotel Słoneczny Mlyn, Bydgoszcz, Polonia
- Let’s dance (Mira quién Baila)
- Las arañas de cristal atípicas son el lado fuerte de Glass LPS.
- La Universidad Estatal de Arte y Cultura, la Federación de Rusia en Orel
- Hotel Radisson SAS Carlton, Bratislava, Eslovaquia
- Visita Extraordinaria del Presidente de la República Eslovaca en la fábrica de Glass LPS.
- El ministro de economía Sr. Lubomir Jahnatek en nuestra fábrica Glass LPS.
- Limpieza Cristalina limpio - ¡ dale una chispa brillante!
- International Hotel Fair in Warsaw
- Centro Mobili, Trencin, Slovak Republic
- Light + Building 2014
- New print catalogue
- MODDOM 2019
Glass LPS s.r.o.: Dobrianskeho 56, 068 01 Medzilaborce, Slovak Republic
Dirección: Hviezdoslavova 4, 066 01 Humenne, Slovak Republic
Teléfono: +421 907 640 407, +421 948 914 635, +421 917 131 544, e-mail: glasslps@glasslps.eu, www.glasslps.eu